Thursday, September 27, 2012

Another Ocean

For a night I lived in a world with selective gravity. Actually the centripetal force was just greater then it is here. That was the reason why the days were shorter, but the moon still came around every so often and the sun kept us in orbit. The end result is that we lived on the ceiling. Make shift lights were hung and ladders were essential. The most important thing to remember was that there were no hand rails on our open apartment. They were now above us and completely useless. The ocean was know beneath us. It was formaly the sky. It did all the same things. At sunrise it changed from a deep violet to reds and oranges which then revealed a bright blue. It did the reverse at sunset. You also couldn't help but stare at it. And finally like the ocean and the sea this ocean was unforgiving.

I spent my time looking down on our new ocean. Sitting on the edge I sensed the same fear of falling into the first ocean, our original ocean. Just that in this one there would be no such thing as buoyancy. Likeness in many aspects of fear and love. I never saw anyone fall into the sky. Did astronauts have the same fear? Once count down is done they fly up and away. They loose their control. Their connection gone. There is something in both that is at times hard to identify. It is why we stare at the ocean. In it exist a place beyond having letting go? Essentially where it takes us no one knows. Wether it is down below or across its lengths, and in this case into space, what awaits is what it is. Only after does it start to look familiar. They are made of the things that people tell us.

My time there was short lived like many things. There weren't to many places to explore. Just two balconies that face south and an ocean. Unsuprisigly the one thing it did lack was waves. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Another Blind Mouse

Roy G Biv, Vibgyor and the rainbow, too. A Color Wheel captures most of it. The most important being from red to violet. These two complete a loop, the color wheel. And yet the electromagnetic spectrum has no loops. Rather it extends from one end to the other. Gamma and radio. Both ends mathematically without limit. Where in there does color have the ability to bend back around?

Ignore one and choose the other. Waves and particles. There are many things that exist without much thought to sense. They make up the world somehow or other. I sit hear and you over there. There isn't to much thought as to how it gets there from here or who knows where.

Two things exist at the same time in different places. Which is the copy?

Whatever is convenient. I think so. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Got Rocks

If God did ever create that inmovable rock might he have been able to move it? "Certainly I'm better than that loaded question," would of thought God and would have vanquished the rock and continued with naming light bright and establishing tea time across time zones.

Inside of a Choice something always gets devoured. The wants and the desires, pursuits. With what is taken something is given up. If not pistachio then vanilla ice cream. A night our or even brown bagging-it. The world is made of choices. And the world is is filled with countless ways to attack one. In the end it is like skipping rocks across a solid lake bed. It will either take you far or get swallowed with a thunk.

Make choices. The best result is an interesting story. Although I heard, "good stories only happen to those that can tell them." They most definitely start of with, "It was like..."

The ocean and the sea

If only the sea. By any name and many outcomes the sea is always evoked. Is it because its vastness? Long has it been since it was discovered. Where is the mystery and majesty that it conveys. Smells that are nice or reasonable are boiled lobster tail or creole shrimp. No one real does want to smell like seaweed and salt. Let alone the smell it consist of when adjacent to a large city.

Water even in it is smalles amount still is known for its sensational-ness. The sea, sometimes the ocean, comes out of nowhere. It is still magical for many reasons. For me it is that you can slide right into it. The salt won't do much to keep you above if not for the kicking and swooping of arms and legs. It must be its inconsistency, like an addict. Always encouragable especially when it comes to drugs. Water is hard to hold in your hand, it evaporates. Water slips through the fingers. Try to contain it by drink it up and it will most certainly be pissed out within an hour. It is susceptible to sweating as well. Even then it is magical. Maybe the sea is like family, you can't really help but like them. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Space and Time, Time and Space

Travel weathers reality much more than we could imagine. Time and space are synonymous with each other, most of us feel that way. Magellan understood it as he circumnavigated the globe. Each day marked time spent. Every change in shore line marked progression along the coast. Everything crawled along but everything was noticed. Travel has eroded it to much less. When we travel we mostly worry about how sore our butts will be by the end. Sometimes narcotics are important. There is no thought to the feet and the various aches and worn soles they will surely develop. Curiously, stretching often is still important.

Travel use to be about time and extremities. It was accomplished. Cars and planes only provide comfort. Water shortage, frostbite, and heatstroke or only meant for those that are daring enough to hike. For the rest of us absentmindedness is key to travel.